The Garvey Tam 3

Castagnari Accordions were introduced into Ireland by Sharon Shannon in the early 90’s. All About Accordions have been importing Castagnari Accordions into Ireland since 2000.

A passion for music that has been handed down for three generations, a craft that keeps untouched the same ingredients of an old tradition: quality and harmony, in order to satisfy musicians from all over the world.

There is a 5 year guarantee on all Castagnari Accordions sold by All About Accordions Ireland.

Garvey Tam 3

Garvey Tam 3 is the 3 voice Accordion.

2 Middle Reeds and a Low Reed.

With stopper down the accordion plays 2 reeds with Tremolo and then when stopper if pulled up you have the bigger sound almost like a Melodeon. 

This accordion has been a popular step up for many students. The Price of the Garvey Tam 3 is  €1600 which when compared to professional models they all start at €3000 plus.

The tuning is tremolo on all the Tam 3.

C/W Hard case or soft Bag  as shown in above photos.

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