The Garvey Tam 2

Castagnari Accordions were introduced into Ireland by Sharon Shannon in the early 90’s. All About Accordions have been importing Castagnari Accordions into Ireland since 2000.

A passion for music that has been handed down for three generations, a craft that keeps untouched the same ingredients of an old tradition: quality and harmony, in order to satisfy musicians from all over the world.

There is a 5 year guarantee on all Castagnari Accordions sold by All About Accordions Ireland.

Garvey Tam 2

These quality Mid Range accordions have all Italian made parts ie. Straps bellows, Bass and Shoulder straps as well as Reeds and fittings.

I always stock the 23 Button B+C in tremolo + the 21 Button in Swing and I have the 21 button in C#D Swing

These accordions are very popular with student moving off the beginner accordion such as the Garvey AAA and even though the AAA is a good quality starter, the student can feel and hear the difference.

This accordion is highly recommended by teachers around the country and they know we will take the AAA back as a trade in and then in time they can trade the Tam with us for a professional accordion.

The reason for the name on this accordion is the fact that it has PROFESSIONAL Reeds which means hand finished. Similar quality reeds to the Castagnari and Paolo Soprani and Serenellini accordions. This is the second of the new Garvey improver series price is €1200.

In 12 years I have never had to replace one broken reed which is a sign of the quality of the reeds. The Tam 2 and Tam 3 come in either a Italian Fuselli made quality soft bag or a hard case with a tan/red pair of Italian straps

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