Serenellini Accordions

* Please note our Garvey Accordions are available immediately to buy online. For professional brands (Castagnari, Serenellini, Paolo Soprani ect.) please contact us. *

Since 1978 Serenellini manufactures a wide range of excellent handcrafted accordions, able to satisfy the needs of the student as well as of the most demanding professional accordionist.

The artisan style of Serenellini’s accordion perfectly suits to the quality of the product; using only the best Italian raw materials, employing highly experienced craftsmen and adhering to a severe policy of accurate on-line testing up to the final product give rise to the top reliability guarantee of the instrument.

Serenellini 3 Stop

The 3 stopper accordion has been around for the past 25 years.

It was the first accordion to come to the market with 3 stoppers

This 3 stopper is my most popular accordion with players. The stoppers gives the player different options / combinations of sound mixing the 2 middle octave and lower octave. They also have 2 bass stopper which removes the thirds and low reed if needed.

These quality accordions have been seen for 20 years and they hold their own in sessions.

This year they have introduced black buttons which have become popular among players.

Buy the 3 Stop Now
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